Bea Davies

Bea Davies Artist   Bea Davies is an Italian-Korean-Hawaiian comic artist and illustrator working for clients worldwide. She studied Illustration and Visual Communication at the SVA of New York and weißensee academy of art berlin.
In 2016 she received the Grant of the Comic Invasion Berlin Festival, which kickstarted her collaboration with a homeless shelter, where she volunteered for two years while making comics for their newspaper »Strasse|feger«. During this time she concluded her first digital, interactive comic reportage »www.7nä«. Since then, she has worked on several comic reportages on social topics. In 2018, her historical Graphic Novel debut »Der König der Vagabunden« was awarded the finalist Prize of the Berthold Leibinger Stiftung. In 2020 her second Comic Book »A Child’s Journey«, an autobiographical parody of motherhood was published by Jaja Verlag. Since 2018 she is a fellow of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes.

Bea's favorite life form is the mushroom.